IARP’s #1 objective is to lovingly support YOU.
We help you reach as many people as possible with Reiki by helping you start, grow and enjoy your business in a caring and professional way, with strong integrity and principles.
Nearly 30 Years of Loving Support
We have created and maintained our prestigious association for nearly 30 years that serves Reiki Healing Practitioners, Masters and Reiki Teachers across the globe.
Helping You Flourish Personally and Professionally
One of our guiding principles is to offer our expertise and loving service so that you, Independent Reiki Practitioners and Teachers, flourish personally and professionally.
IARP Members get Unparalleled Benefits
Enjoy IARP Reiki benefits that are unparalleled. We provide you with professional business tools, powerful resources, and exciting programs and support to help your business THRIVE!
Distinguished Code of Ethics
IARP’s strict Code of Ethics results in a distinguished directory of Reiki Practitioners and Teachers. This enhances your reputation as a Reiki Practitioner and/or Master Teacher.
IARP Professional Members Earn Trust and Respect
IARP Members are part of a global organization comprised of the most prominent and skilled Reiki Practitioners and Teachers on the planet. You are keeping company with the best and brightest in the global Reiki world. IARP has been here for you for nearly 30 years, we are here for you now, and we are leading the way for the brightest future for Reiki and our esteemed members.
It’s About YOU, not us
You may notice that there is no one person at IARP that claims any sort of personal recognition or guru-like status, and is not affiliated with any religious or spiritual beliefs. IARP is about YOU and not about a select person or small group of individuals or agenda. There is no dogma, ego or competition in our world, only a spirit of giving, service and loving cooperation. As our motto states: “Together, we can do so much more.”
IARP Professional Membership Requirements:
- IARP Professional Membership is open to all independent Reiki Practitioners and Reiki Master Teachers of any country in the world.
- We recognize all Reiki lineages plus all Reiki types listed on our membership application.
- You may apply for Professional Membership if you have completed at least Reiki One or up through Reiki Master Teacher levels or any level in between. If you continue your education you may upgrade your credentials from within your Members Area upon new certifications.
- Professional Membership is available in 6-month, 1-year and 2-year terms. You may start with a 6-month term and upgrade to a longer term at renewal time if you wish.
- You may join at anytime throughout the year as membership is rolling and is not by calendar year. Your Professional Membership will begin on your join date and will be valid for the membership term that you choose.
- Recurring payment are standard for your convenience but you may easily turn this off with one-click from within your Members Area if you prefer to renew manually.
- You must agree to the Terms and Conditions of Membership on the membership application.
- You will need to agree to the IARP Code of Ethics to keep your Professional Membership valid and in good standing.
- You will need to upload a copy of your Reiki certification, highest degree completed, within your Members Area before accessing any benefits, services or programs. You must have a valid Reiki certification for each type of Reiki you check that you are certified in on the application.
IARP Professional Membership Benefits include:
- Professional Recognition as an esteemed IARP Registered Reiki Professional
Recognizing you as attaining the gold standard within Reiki and your ongoing commitment to professionalism, growth, and dedication and honored service to your clients and students.
- Official IARP Professional Membership Certificate
For your office wall
- IARP Wallet Card
With your Professional Membership credentials and registration number
- Official IARP Professional Member Badge
For your website and print materials
- IARP Reiki Practitioner Teacher Directory Locator Listing
Our highly utilized Reiki Locator connects those interested in your Reiki services and classes with you. Let us help you grow your Reiki practice with referrals to potential new clients and students. Please note that the Reiki Locator is optional and you may opt out if you are practicing on family or friends only or on break from practice.
- Reiki Certificate Diploma Service for Reiki Master Teachers
You'll have access to our beloved Reiki Diploma Certificate Service Program for official personalized Reiki certificates for your students in your choice of color, type of Reiki, class level and more. Certificates are delivered instantly and are digital for your convenience. See the Reiki Certificate Diploma page for more information and costs.
- Access to optional low-cost Reiki Liability Insurance programs
Multiple plans to choose from, coverage if you practice or teach, follows where you practice/teach in your country. Costs and coverages vary depending on country and choice of plan. Currently available for Canada, USA and Australia Professional and Associate members. See Reiki Liability Insurance pages for details and plan costs for the optional insurance plans.
- Beautiful low-cost Reiki Brochures
These are available in a variety of color themes and languages for you to choose from. You may choose from general or personalized brochures. Please see the Reiki Brochures page for more information.
- The Reiki Report
Monthly eNewsletter sent to your inbox which is chock-full of Reiki medical articles and cutting edge new research, practice growth ideas, inspiring stories and much more. - Reiki Job Board
If we receive requests for any employment or Reiki opportunities in your area, we will email you to let you know so that you may apply directly. - Speaker’s Bureau Inclusion
In addition to referrals for Reiki classes or sessions, IARP also acts as a Speaker’s Bureau and refers IARP members when we receive requests for speakers or for contributors to magazine, newspaper articles, or television coverage of Reiki. - Member Resources and Business Tools
Sample forms for your practice and helpful articles in your Members Area
- Reiki Research and Abstracts
The latest Reiki research compiled for you. Over 50 referenced Reiki medical and health abstracts and studies for you, updated whenever new research is available.
- Publicity for our members and for your professional services
- Know that your voice is counted in the Reiki community
- The internal reward of helping the community to work together
For the benefit of the community
- and more!
IARP Professional Membership is available in a 6-month introductory term. You may upgrade to a yearly or 2-year option if you'd like at the end of your 6-month term. Just one referral per year will pay for your Professional Membership. Plus you will enjoy outstanding world-class benefits in addition to the Reiki Directory Locator and Referrals programs.
Click here now to become an esteemed Registered IARP Professional Member and enjoy world-class benefits!
IARP works for you, dedicated and loving independent Reiki Professionals globally, to provide benefits, resources and tools to help you succeed as an independent Reiki practitioner or teacher. We are an independent association committed to providing you with the highest quality programs and resources. Our interests are with you and our mission is to help you succeed in your beneficial and compassionate work in the world.

Benefits subject to change without notice. Please see the IARP web site at any time for a list of current benefits